All the teams of the Hotel de la Presse are at your disposal to advise you in the discovery of the wine capital. Our knowledge of the city and our network of qualified partners will make your discovery of the Bordeaux city even more enjoyable.
All the teams of the Hotel de la Presse are at your disposal to advise you in the discovery of the wine capital. Our knowledge of the city and our network of qualified partners will make your discovery of the Bordeaux city even more enjoyable.
Our reception is open 24/7 to answer your questions and advise you in choosing an excursion or an activity in line with your desires and expectations. In the lobby a sign includes presentations from all of our partners.
The city of Bordeaux is a very rich city in terms of architecture, history and oenological. Whether it’s for a weekend or a week of discovery we can advise you on where to go and how to get there. The central location of the Hotel de la Presse are a major asset for the discovery of the city. Indeed almost all the tourist areas are less than a 15 minute walk from our hotel. For more distant destinations (castles, pilat dune …) our teams will tell you the different options to explore these places.
© Hôtel de la Presse
SAS La Presse 6 rue de la porte Dijeaux 33000 Bordeaux.
SIRET 415227412RCS Bordeaux TVA N°FR034152274121.
Capital Social 7774,89€.
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